How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days: A Complete Guide

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days: A Complete Guide

If you’re looking for a lighthearted way to end a relationship or just want to have fun with the concept, you’ve come to the right place. Losing a guy in just 10 days is entirely possible, especially if you exhibit certain behaviors that are often considered red flags in relationships. This guide will take you step by step on how to lose a guy in 10 days, using small but effective actions that can drive any guy away.

So, let’s explore the methods that will help you master how to lose a guy in 10 days!

Day 1: Overwhelm Him with Attention

The easiest way to start on your journey of how to lose a guy in 10 days is by giving him excessive attention right from the start. Most people enjoy attention, but when it’s too much, too fast, it can become suffocating.

  • Constant texting: Start by sending him messages all day long. Ask him what he’s doing, what he ate, or why he didn’t reply within a few minutes. Keep the texts coming until he starts feeling overwhelmed.
  • Non-stop calling: If he doesn’t answer your texts immediately, give him a call. Then call again. Make sure to leave multiple voicemails.

By bombarding him with attention on the first day, you’re laying the groundwork for how to lose a guy in 10 days. He’ll quickly feel like he can’t breathe.

Day 2: Act Extremely Clingy

On day two, it’s time to ramp up the clinginess. To lose a guy in 10 days, it’s important to show him that you’re overly dependent on him.

  • Ask for reassurance constantly: Keep asking if he likes you, and question why he hasn’t said “I love you” yet. Demand reassurance over every little thing.
  • Show that you have no other social life: Cancel plans with your friends or family just to spend time with him. Let him know that he is the only person in your life that matters.

Acting clingy is a surefire way to make him feel smothered. Day two is key in learning how to lose a guy in 10 days because it shows him that you have no independence.

Day 3: Introduce Drama for No Reason

Creating unnecessary drama is an essential step when learning how to lose a guy in 10 days. Start arguments and make a big deal out of small issues.

  • Pick fights over little things: Complain about the way he texted you, the tone of his voice, or how he glanced at someone else. Overreact to the smallest things to get under his skin.
  • Cry during conversations: Randomly cry during your talks and tell him that he’s not being sensitive enough to your needs. This will make him uncomfortable and confused.

Drama is exhausting, and by day three, you’re showing him that being with you will be emotionally draining. This will push him closer to walking away.

Day 4: Move Way Too Fast


On day four of your quest to lose a guy in 10 days, make sure to move the relationship way too fast. Nothing will scare a guy away quicker than jumping ahead to the future before it’s time.

  • Talk about getting married: Mention how you’ve always dreamed of getting married soon. Casually throw in how you’ve already started imagining your wedding day with him as the groom.
  • Bring up kids: Start talking about how many kids you want, what names you’ve picked, and how soon you’d like to start a family.

By speeding up the relationship too quickly, you’ll make him feel trapped. This is one of the easiest ways to make progress in losing a guy in 10 days.

Day 5: Be Overly Critical of Everything He Does

No one enjoys being constantly criticized. On day five, it’s time to nitpick everything he does. Criticism is a great way to destroy a relationship fast.

  • Criticize his appearance: Point out flaws in his clothing choices, the way he styles his hair, or his personal hygiene. Be subtle at first, then get more direct.
  • Complain about his habits: Whether it’s his eating habits, his hobbies, or the way he chews food, find something to criticize. Make sure he knows that nothing he does is right.

Being overly critical will make him feel inadequate. If he’s constantly being told that he’s not good enough, he’ll start looking for an exit.

Day 6: Show Jealousy and Possessiveness

Jealousy can be toxic in relationships, and it’s one of the best ways to lose a guy in 10 days. If you want to drive him away, act jealous and possessive.

  • Accuse him of flirting: If he so much as talks to another woman, accuse him of flirting. Make a big deal out of every interaction he has with anyone of the opposite sex.
  • Constantly check his phone: Ask to see his phone and scroll through his messages and social media accounts. Show him that you don’t trust him, even if he hasn’t done anything wrong.

Jealousy and possessiveness are major turn-offs. By acting this way, you’ll send a clear signal that the relationship is unhealthy, helping you succeed in losing a guy in 10 days.

Day 7: Ignore His Interests

To really push him away, start ignoring everything that matters to him. By showing no interest in his hobbies or passions, he’ll start to feel like you don’t care about who he is.

  • Dismiss his hobbies: If he enjoys watching sports, playing video games, or collecting something, act like it’s unimportant. Change the subject when he talks about the things he loves.
  • Refuse to join in: If he invites you to participate in an activity he enjoys, make excuses to avoid it. Tell him you’re not interested and would rather do something else.

Ignoring his interests will make him feel like the two of you are incompatible. This is a powerful move in how to lose a guy in 10 days.

Day 8: Be Unpredictable and Moody


By day eight, it’s time to show just how unpredictable and moody you can be. This will confuse him and make him want to leave.

  • Change plans last minute: Agree to do something with him, then cancel at the last minute without explanation. Keep him guessing about what you’ll do next.
  • Send mixed signals: Be affectionate one minute and distant the next. Give him no clue where he stands with you emotionally.

Being unpredictable and moody will make him feel unstable in the relationship. This behavior can make him want to leave even sooner.

Day 9: Involve Your Friends and Family Too Soon

Most guys don’t want to meet your friends and family too soon in a relationship. If you’re wondering how to lose a guy in 10 days, bringing him into your personal circle early on is a great tactic.

  • Introduce him to your family: Plan a dinner or a get-together with your family, even though the relationship is still new. Make it seem like you’re serious and want him to meet everyone important to you.
  • Ask for friends’ opinions: Tell him how your friends think you’re the perfect couple and ask what they think of him. Make him feel like everyone is evaluating your relationship.

Introducing him to your personal life too quickly will likely scare him away. He’ll feel the pressure, and this will help you succeed in losing a guy in 10 days.

Day 10: Be Dishonest

Dishonesty is one of the fastest ways to end a relationship. On the final day of learning how to lose a guy in 10 days, it’s time to be dishonest.

  • Tell small lies: Lie about where you’ve been or who you’ve been with. Even if it’s unnecessary, small lies will make him feel like he can’t trust you.
  • Hide important information: Keep things from him that are important to the relationship. Let him find out later that you’ve been withholding information.

By being dishonest, you’ll destroy any trust in the relationship. Trust is the foundation of every strong partnership, and once it’s gone, the relationship is likely over.


Learning how to lose a guy in 10 days is all about exhibiting behaviors that no one enjoys in a relationship. Whether it’s being too clingy, overly critical, jealous, or dishonest, these actions are guaranteed to push any guy away. If your goal is to end the relationship quickly, following these steps will definitely get you there.

Keep in mind, these behaviors are toxic and should be avoided in healthy relationships. This guide is meant to be fun and lighthearted. If you’re truly unhappy in a relationship, open communication is always the best route. However, if you’re just playing around with the idea of how to lose a guy in 10 days, this guide will help you succeed!

Remember, respect and communication are key to a successful relationship, but when it’s time to part ways, you now know exactly how to lose a guy in 10 days.


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